Pre-Planning A Funeral

We recommend you complete this personal information form. Keep a copy with your family and send a copy to Memory Funerals for safe keeping.
Why Plan Ahead?

Pre-planning ensures your arrangements are what you want and that your wishes will be respected in a dignified way.

How common is it to document your own funeral requests?

People often like to take a more active part in deciding how to be remembered. Pre-planning also takes away some of the uncertainty from family members at this difficult time. Your documented wishes assist with answers to common questions about details such as venue, readings, music, and flowers. Family members can also gain comfort from knowing they are following the wishes of their loved one.

How do I pre-plan my funeral?

At Memory Funerals we are happy to meet with you and guide you through a pre-arrangement at a time suitable to you, and then hold those details on file until required. There is no cost for this service. You can decide how much detail you record with us. It may be just one or two matters of importance (for example, preference of burial or cremation, and place the service is to be held) or you may choose to arrange the entire service. We will hold these details on file. Simply let family and care-givers know we are holding your instructions.

Pre-Payment of Funerals

You may also wish to take the next step and pre-pay the cost of the funeral. After discussing your pre-arrangement details we can provide you with a quote for the current cost of the funeral. The money you pay for your pre-arranged funeral is then held in trust for you at Memory Funerals.

Your Personal Profile Record

We provide a Personal Profile Record form to help with your pre-planning. We recommend that you complete as many of the details as you wish, and then contact us to make an appointment to discuss your plans with us. We will advise you of all your options and guide you with next steps.